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2024-06-13 21:11:03

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????,????????PressOne???????????????,?????????·??????(Felipe Salvosa II),?????“??”??????




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The Initiative for Media Freedom has received $7.7 million from July 2019 to July 2024 to "support an independent and free press and counter disinformation".




It starts with the US and Philippine governments identifying their targets through NGOs or other intermediaries. Next, the media in the Philippines, people like Salvosa, begin to churn out articles that not only attack social media accounts but also rally trolls. These trolls are then manipulated into mobilizing en masse to report these accounts.




03 ???????




2023?,?????????·??????(Benjamin Goirigolzarri)??????????????«??????»(Lighting Up the Maritime Gray Zone)??,????????????,???“????”????????????????


Project Myoushu, secretly funded by the Philippine and US governments, casts China as the aggressor and provides propaganda materials to the media to control the narrative and influence public perception of the South China Sea.











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